The Worst Bar Exam Horror Stories From This Year
At least you survived!
At least you survived!
It's bar exam horror story season!
We highlight steps lawyers should consider to move toward their desired outcomes.
Once again, this law school can't seem to enter grades correctly.
Thing is, I think Giuliani ineffectively inoculated Trump from campaign finance violations, while successfully murdering all credibility.
Even partners screw up.
It's like a mountain of repression just bubbled over. Well... two mountains...
From total compensation to origination fees, we’re benchmarking lawyer pay with input from over 750 respondents.
Dear Lord, this is horrific.
Even the most seasoned parties and professionals can easily overlook this -- to their detriment.
Email address auto-fill is a real bitch to master, y'all.
The one simple thing you can do right now to avoid ending up like the lawyers in this story.
How to make the right decision, and why there might be another way to shape a fulfilling legal career on your own terms.
Patent licenses can be some of the more complicated instruments to draft and negotiate.
Trump's top lawyers regale restaurant patrons with claims of hidden documents.
You cannot predict when (or where) the next data breach will occur, but you can prepare for it.
Why opportunistic plots to register trademarks for trending terms almost always fail.
If you need a reason to get your ducks in a row with the handling of electronic information, here's your wake-up call.